Health & Medical

Here you will find a wide range of articles, conditions and links concerning health & medical issues. It is not a comprehensive medical page but comprises of a variety of the things happening in the medical and health arena that I find interesting, novel or unusual which have caught my attention whilst either reading, watching TV or talking to friends or family.

There could be literally anything placed here, so don’t be surprised if you find something that the orthodox health & medical professionals would scoff at or deride! ~ It is a holistic page. Meaning that anything and everything goes; just so long as it works, even though we may not yet understand the reasons why? ~ It’s Holism!

Also I thought that a link about Aesculapius, the ancient Greek god of medicine, would be appropriate near the start since the staff of Aesculapius is a commonly used symbol of medicine.

Please Note: I am in the process of setting up a dedicated page related to complementary & holistic health matters so  there may be some overlap here for some time, until I get things tidied-up! ~ To see the other page, go-to:

Thank you!

~~~ The Latest Stuff! ~~~

Eat Like A Caveman & Lose Weight ( provides the latest evidence to support the theory that eating a ‘Paleo Diet’ can help you lose weight and stay healthy!

What is vitamin B12 Cobalamin? ( this article explains what B12 is and why it’s so important in a healthy diet.

Cure for Type 2 Diabetes ( it seems as though type 2 Diabetes can be cured by a weight loss procedure known as a gastric bypass! ~ So you can lose weight and diabetes both in one go, super!

~~~ Useful & Reference ~~~ is a free, secure online personal health organiser. It can help you to manage your health, store important health information securely, or find out about NHS services near you. is an Open Access Publisher of pier-reviewed articles.  “All original research articles published by BioMed Central are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. BioMed Central views open access to research as essential in order to ensure the rapid and efficient communication of research findings.” ~ Top Stuff, Top Site!

NHS-Choices ( is a very useful and informative site as well as being practical. Whether you’re looking to find and register with a new doctor, need some advice or wish to find out about a particular medical condition using their A-Z, this would be a very good place to start. is there whenever you need health advice and information and the doctor is unavailable or you can get an appointment, which is fairly common nowadays!  It offers plain English articles that will put your mind at rest or guide you to some self-service health procedures that could solve than annoying problem. On the other hand, it may be as useful as a chocolate fire-guard, who knows till you try? The Health A-Z which and encyclopaedia of conditions and treatments, just in case the search facility fails you! Or there is the Self-Help Guide where you can search by a slightly different method.

The National Health Federation ( this is the international website but there are various other local groups such as  & and others. They fight various causes such as fluoride in our drinking water, GMO’s, the Codex & FDA “crushing legislation” of our health choices and lots more. This is a top site for high quality information about the freedom of health choices for everyone. Top Stuff! NHS Evidence provides free access to clinical and non-clinical information – local, regional, national and international. Information includes evidence, guidance and Government policy. NHS staff who have an Athens account can also get free access to paid for journals. This is a medical search facility operated by NICE.

NHS Publications Orderline ( here you can view what is available and download NHS publications related to various conditions and  issues. want to break down the “medical language barrier” between the doctor and the patient.  Over 250 of the UK’s and Europe’s leading doctors and health professionals write, edit and update the contents of In addition to creating written content for the patient these same health professionals respond to users questions and concerns regarding general health concerns. Top Stuff! produces authoritative and independent guides to health services in the public and private sectors. Their aim is not only to inform, but also to act as a catalyst for change. Since 2001, Dr Foster has published analyses of hospital performance through the hospital guide. Dr Foster is the leading innovator in benchmarking public services and communicating information about services to the public. Empowering the patient to choose, hopefully!

Priory Medical Journals ( were founded in 1994 and are the world’s first web-based medical journals. The first of their journals was Psychiatry On-Line, the second Medicine Online in early January 1995. Each medical journal is available free to all medical and nursing staff. The readership of the Medical Journals is worldwide. This is an independent set of medical journals devoted to research papers, review papers and other medical works. They are keen to publish new articles in our medical journals subject to peer review. ~ Top Stuff!

NGC ~ National Guideline Clearinghouse ( is a US based public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. The thing I like about this comprehensive database is that it even has links to British sites such a NICE as well as the core American information, which provides a more balanced view of conditions that otherwise could be time consuming to obtain. Top Stuff!

The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library ( since 1899 has been one of the worlds foremost medical reference publications for professionals. Today that information is available to us all on the WWW! ~ Top Stuff! provides a unique reference point on eye problems and eye care. It’s a good place to start if you are having problems with your sight. It is full of useful information and links. Top Stuff! provides information and advice on eyecare and eye-wear, it is an independent site run as a social enterprise business to improve the public awareness for better vision. Has some excellent info’ & pictures of the eye, taken using the latest technology.

Having an Eye Test ( the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is the UK’s leading charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people with sight loss. This part of their web-site explains the details of an eye-test which many people regularly need not only to check their levels of vision but also to avoid some serious complications in certain medical conditions, such as Diabetes.

World Health Organisation ( is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends. The FAO who deal with marine based foods is a part of the WHO. was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme.

Annals of Occupational Hygiene ( is one of the world’s top research journals on hazards and risks to health resulting from work. See About this Journal for more details. founded in 1956, it is a charitable organisation which securely holds your important medical conditions (e.g.: Allergy, Diabetes, Coeliac, Heart, etc) and provides it to the emergency services in the event of an emergency, for example if you’re unconscious in an accident.  In addition to storing the personal and medical details they provide an emergency members card holding the critical conditions and an optional bracelet or necklace for you to carry/wear. They provide a 24 hour emergency telephone line and their services are free to those who cannot afford to pay the annual fee. started in 1994, they provide a similar service to MedicAlert by providing medical jewellery with your vital medical conditions listed on them and have an on-line medical registry service which you keep updated yourself and is included in the price of the item(s) you purchase. There is no annual fee to pay, but there are no support services either. They are a profit-based company, not a charity! if you just want a medical identity tag or jewellery without anything else, these are a British company who can supply just that! However they do something called a ZapTag Medi-Record which is a memory card that you can add medical details to and carry with you! provides Free at home NHS Optical & Hearing tests for people aged over 60, those with Diabetes, Glaucoma, partially sighted or registered blind and various others on low incomes or benefits who are unable to attend a remote clinic due to a physical incapacity. For more details see: (optical) or telephone: 0800 0304 085 or 01582 390800 or see:

Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine ( eCAM is an international, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to understand the sources and to encourage rigorous research in this new, yet ancient world of complementary and alternative medicine. It is published by Oxford University Press which is part of the University of Oxford, England. It operates under the Open Access Model enableing certain material to by viewed on-line free of charge. Top Stuff! (Complementary & Alternative) BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in interventions and resources that complement or replace conventional therapies, with a specific emphasis on research that explores the biological mechanisms of action, as well as their efficacy, safety, costs, patterns of use and/or implementation. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (ISSN 1472-6882) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, CAS, EMBASE, Scopus, Cinahl, FSTA, Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Google Scholar. Top Stuff!

Holistic Medicine ~ What is it? explains the concept of holistic medicine, providing details of what types of treatment can be involved and links to some useful sites. Also see Holism-1 & Holism-2. provides free, accurate and independent advice on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines & natural products. Top Stuff! is a not for profit UK organisation aiming to improve public health and safety by providing up to date, accurate and comprehensive information about medicines to healthcare professionals, medicine users, carers and the general public. They are funded by 160 pharmaceutical companies. DataPharm are responsible for the Electronic Medicines Compendium ( where you can access information about the many drugs that are being used by the medical professions within the UK. They have a good search facility to find Medicine Guides which provides basic information in plain English.

Alliance for Natural Health ( the ANH is an internationally active, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation, based in the UK, that is working to help positively shape the regulatory and scientific framework affecting natural health in order to develop more sustainable, natural and biologically compatible approaches to healthcare. See their about page for details. Also, the site has some excellent information and links.

British Complementary Medicine Association ( The BCMA is open-minded – they support any recognised therapy providing the standards of training are adequate and our codes of ethics and disciplines are adhered to. They are non-profit making and reinvest all fees for the benefit of complementary medicine and those who practice it. They have a list of registered complementary therapists.

Alternative Medicine Encyclopedia ( the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine (GEAM) is a one-stop source for alternative medical information that covers complementary therapies, herbs and remedies, and common medical diseases and conditions.

Alternative Medicines Guide ( their mission is to provide the highest quality of information, resources and products, on alternative medicine, health, and related fields to both practitioners/providers and consumers.

Complementary Therapy Professional Bodies ( if you need to find a practitioner in your local area or wish to know more about a particular complementary therapy, has collated a list of professional bodies that can provide that information for you. Very Useful.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine ( is the US Federal Government’s lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine. NCCAM sponsors and conducts research using scientific methods and advanced technologies to study CAM. CAM (Complementary & Alternative Medicine) is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. is the UK’s largest Alternative Medicine, Complementary Therapy and Natural Health Care Resource. In the Library, you will find all of the services are FREE! This includes access to Medical Research providing access to the medical databases where you can find out about ANYTHING that has been published in medical journals all over the world. has an excellent A-Z page of links that covers a wide range of health issues and treatments. is a super site that focuses on various conditions that people must live with such as Diabetes, Mental Health, Blood Pressure, Allergy and many more. Top Stuff!

The Scientific & Medical Network  ( since The SMN was founded in 1973, it has grown into an educational charity delivering courses, events and publications on new and interdisciplinary ideas in science, medicine, philosophy and spirituality.  They are also a worldwide community of individuals who are searching beyond conventional scientific and religious paradigms for new answers and new questions. Their mission statement is based on open mindedness and critical thinking both of which are needed to find the truth.

The Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing ( this site is a little too commercial for my liking! However, it has a good page of links so, that’s why it’s here!

The National Institute for Health Research ( their objective is to establishing the NHS as an internationally recognised centre of research excellence through supporting outstanding individuals, working in world-class facilities, conducting leading-edge research focused on the needs of patients and the public. It is part of the government’s Best Research for Best Health strategy. Also see: The Centre for Reviews & Dissemination ( which is part of the NIHR.

The University of Sheffiled Information Resources ( is a page of links that will lead you to the best medical and health information available. It’s a one-stop shop and is: Top Stuff! is a social network and support community for patients, caregivers, and families coping with the daily struggles of diseases, disorders and chronic illness. It also has some useful links, articles and a free e-mail service.

Membership Sites: is an open membership based charitable organisation founded in 1973 by George Blaker.  Its aim is to bring together like minded people from all walks of life to stimulate research, discussion and critical thinking related to all manner of topics that the current orthodox disciplines are avoiding.  Some of the many subjects they encompass are within the fields of science, medicine, philosophy and spirituality. Top Stuff!

~~~~~ Science & Technology ~~~~~

Plastic Blood ~ Made in Sheffield ( No! Your not seeing things! ‘Plastic Blood’ has actually been developed at The University of Sheffield and soon could be used as a substitute for the real thing, such as in emergency situations. Also see: Blood in Their Hands ( since 1999 has been brining independent news and analysis of stem cell research to the world (bi-weekly). Published by: DataTrends Publication, Inc. is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology and is widely considered to be the world’s leading scientific journal. It originates from London and has been in circulation since 1869 and today is not just on paper but also available electronically on the World Wide Web. One of their aims is to to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily life. Top Stuff!

~~~~~ General Health Links ~~~~~ is a top news site with a dedicated area to health issues. the latest health news and well-being advice including family health, alternative medicine, diet and fitness from a top quality news site.

Walking For Health ( is a site with advice, tips and routes for walking your way to health! ~ Exercise is important!

World Health Organisation ( is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends. In the 21st century, health is a shared responsibility, involving equitable access to essential care and collective defence against transnational threats. is a collaboration between committed doctors, health care professionals, information specialists and patients who believe that medical practice should be based on quality-assessed information and, wherever possible, on the basis of the principles of evidence-based medicine. To lean more read about NetDoctor. Good site!

The British Medical Journal ( The BMJ is an international peer-reviewed medical journal and a fully “on-line first” publication. Our publishing model—”continuous publication”— means that all articles appear on before being included in an issue of the print journal. The website is updated daily with the BMJ’s latest original research, education, news, and comment articles, as well as podcasts, videos, and blogs. About BMJ. Top stuff!

National Institute for Clinical Excellence ( is an independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health. It is a kind of

Health & Safety Executive ( their objective is to prevent death, injury and ill-health to those at work and those affected by work activities. It comprises of three main centres of excellence dealing with: Public Health, Technology Evaluation and Clinical Practice. It is and independent organisation setting the standards for ‘Best Practice’ being applied or utilised within the NHS and allied services.

Clinical Knowledge Summaries ( provides evidence-based information and practical ‘know-how’ about many of the most common conditions encountered by primary healthcare. It is aimed primarily at healthcare professionals, but can also be publicly accessed.

Bandolier ( is an independent journal about evidence-based healthcare, written by Oxford scientists, (RAM AND HJM). It is the premier source of evidence based healthcare information in the UK and worldwide for both healthcare professionals and consumers. Bandolier now has over one million visitors each month from all over the world and its high quality information is used by professionals, patients, carers and organisations. It is worth reading the about page because it explains their ethos, morals and attitude to their sponsors!

Cochrane Collaboration ( is an international, independent, not-for-profit organisation of over 27,000 contributors from more than 100 countries, dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of health care readily available worldwide. They are world leaders in evidence-based health care. Also see:

Department of Health ( is the UK Government department providing health and social care policy, guidance and publications for NHS and social care professionals. E-Health Insider is the independent online news and information service dedicated to healthcare information technology issues. This portal attracts a readership of IT industry and healthcare professionals worldwide. is a USA.Gov site providing links to various Federal Departments & Agencies. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research. Also see:

The National Library of Medicicne ( is the World’s Largest Medical Library. They have a Medical Search facility called PubMed found at: Also see: is the site of The Health Foundation. An independent charity working to improve the quality of healthcare across the UK and beyond. is produced by editors and journalists dedicated to delivering accurate, trusted, up-to-date health and medical information, for consumers. We focus on problem-solving content to help you make decisions during complicated, stressful times. We write in plain English, using real-life examples. For additional medical and diagnostic information we partner with the medically accredited is owned by Time Inc. features content from the this is another Time Inc. site. Electronic Quality Information for the Public (EQUIP) is an NHS gateway to quality health and social care information for the West Midlands public. EQUIP only links to websites that have been checked for the quality of their information. There are links to information resources in almost 100 languages. You can also search the directory of over 4000 national and local support groups and services which are checked regularly. This website has been created with the involvement of medical staff and members of the public. Limited ( is the leading online information network for women. It focuses on the issues that matter most to women and offers interactive services, expert advice, information and a vital support network. Also see: a top-selling men’s magazine providing some health guidance. Also has a list of links to other men’s health sites: ~ Magazine & site produced by:

The Medical News ( provides the latest Medical News and Research from around the World. Based in Australia. Top stuff! if you’re a carbohydrate junky then this site could help! has the World’s largest on-line database of pharmaceutical and Medical Abbreviations – over 230,000 and growing. Their database is updated daily to include new acronyms and abbreviations and their meanings (Dictionary). This resource is free to use, allowing people to instantly look up meanings for acronyms and abbreviations from the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biotechnology, agrichemicals, health-care ~ also has a Medical News service, Drug Search and more. It’s independently owned by  MediLexicon International Ltd. Top Site! is also owned by MediLexicon International Ltd with head offices in the United Kingdom. It is the largest independent health and medical news website on the Internet. It provides Health News, Health Videos, Forums, News Alerts and a weekly Newsletter. Top Site! is a site that provides quality information about medicines. So if unsure about what you are taking, look it up and be safe! Remember, doctors are only human,  we think! worried about someone? Don’t know anything about substance abuse? This site could help! is an independent, privately held on-line and print publisher based in New York (1997). Their mission is to serve readers with exclusive, in-depth coverage of the technology, institutions, and scientists that make up the worldwide research enterprise of molecular biology. is the only service for physicians that provides a clinical perspective on the breaking medical news that their patients are reading. Co-developed by MedPage Today and The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education, each article alerts clinicians to breaking medical news, with summaries and actionable information enabling them to better understand the implications. a searchable database, is aimed at health professionals to enable them to find the highest quality material on the web, but some of the material is available to all in the form of extracts from main articles. is a dedicated medical search engine and RSS feed provider which gathers details of the very latest information on the Internet. Top Suff! is owned by WebMD.  It is an on-line health care media publishing company providing easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information. Top Stuff! the NaturalNews Network is a non-profit collection of public education websites covering topics that empower individuals to make positive changes in their health, environmental sensitivity, consumer choices and informed scepticism. It ha s a wide range of articles from an array of sources and is very much independent.

~~~ Disability ~~~

Disability Information Advice Line (DIAL) is a registered UK charity providing information and advice to disabled people, and others, concerning equipment, care, transport and more. To find a local DIAL click here: ‘find a DIAL’.   This Essex based shop was recommended by them: Lifestyle& for riser recliner chairs: I spoke to ‘Ron’ on 01702 482200 (Leigh-on-Sea) who was very helpful. &/or were formed in 1949 and is a founding member of Disability East. Formerly known as the ‘Essex Disabled People’s Association‘, they come recommended by DIAL. They have an excellent page of useful links. Also they are responsible for the Centre for Disability Studies, based in Rochford. (I originally obtained their contact details from the The Royal British Legion, who are well informed about disabilities.) They have an excellent searchable data-base full of very useful contacts. established in September 2003, “Disability East Ltd” are a regional partnership of charities for disabled people, they aim to pool knowledge and share expertise. The partner charities of Disability East are located in the 6 counties and 4 unitary areas of the East of England: Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk with Luton, Peterborough, Southend and Thurrock. ~ If you’re looking for information and advice concerning disability then I’d say start here! For contacts see:

Essex Coalition of Disabled People ( was established in 1995 and aims to enhance the lives of disabled people by providing a wide range of support, information, advice and guidance services. Contact list: or for general enquiries telephone: 01245 392300.

RADAR ( is the UK’s largest disability campaigning organisation, with a membership of over 900 disability organisations and individual campaigners.

AssistUK ( leads a UK wide network of locally-situated Disabled Living Centres. Each centre includes a permanent exhibition of products and equipment that provide people with opportunities to see and try products and equipment and get information and advice from professional staff about what might suit them best. Disabled Living Centres also provide a valuable source of information relating to access, design and equipment for daily living.

Disabled Living Foundation ( is a national charity provide independent, impartial advice empowering the disabled community. They have a superb page of useful links.

Disability Living Allowance ( sometimes referred to as DLA – is a tax-free benefit for children and adults who need help with personal care or have walking difficulties because they have a physical or mental disability. DMD are an Essex based company dealing in a variety of equipment for disabled people, such as chairs, beds, scooters, etc. The main difference with this on-line shop is their super discounted prices, they take some eye-watering high street prices for mobility equipment and cut them down to a more respectable size that is affordable for people on average incomes. Top service with low, low prices! ~ Well done!

AgeUK ( aim to improve later life for everyone through our information and advice, campaigns, products, training and research. provide free listings of hundreds of UK charities, so you may find others that can help with disability issues that I haven’t detailed.

National Benevolent Institution ( seeks to help older people from all backgrounds by the provision of financial assistance and also accommodation. help people access the money available to them through welfare benefits, grants and other help. is a national charity helping disabled people use computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting their technology. Also see: who help disabled people communicate through technology. is an essential resource for anyone requiring information on the cost of care, whether for themselves or for someone else. Individuals needing care may be children, the elderly or those with disabilities. Information on paying for care and finding financial help can often be complicated and jargon-heavy. FundingCaring provides information that is clear and easy to understand. is the  UK Voice for Accessible Tourism.  We are a national charity dedicated to making tourism welcoming to all.

Leonard Cheshire Disability ( exists to change attitudes to disability and to serve disabled people around the world. Their principal activity in the UK is the provision of services in support of disabled people in the widest context. These services include care homes, supported living, domiciliary support, day services, resource centres, rehabilitation, respite care, personal support and training and assistance for those looking for work founded over 30 years ago to give a voice to people affected by severe mental illness, their aim is to make a practical and positive difference by providing hope and empowerment through effective services, information and support to all those in need. are a national charity promoting opportunities for young people and adults with any kind of impairment in post-16 education, training and employment. is a small national charity, founded in 1978, that uses gardening to change the lives of disabled people. is the The Homecare Industry Information Service (THIIS). They provide up to date news and product information to the manufacturers, suppliers, dealers and retailers of home-care devices. This is a good place for the consumer to find links to companies dealing with disabled equipment and products.

If you are of have been associated with the services, or similar, you may be able to get other disabilities help or information from:

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen & Families Association ( they help and support those who serve in the UK Armed Forces and those who used to serve – even if it was only for a single day. They also care for their families.

The Royal British Legion ( safeguards the welfare, interests and memory of those who are serving or who have served in the Armed Forces. They are one of the UK’s largest membership organisations and recognised as custodians of Remembrance. They also run the annual ‘Poppy Appeal’.

The Royal Air Forces Association ( are a membership based welfare organisation supporting members, ex-members and families of the Royal Air Force. They run the annual ‘Wings Appeal’. Also see: The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund the leading RAF welfare charity who work closely with the RAF Association. Also see: (veterans info).

The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust ( supports members of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines and their families in their times of need. Also see: who also help the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets and their families and and & Mercahn Navy Welfare Board (

The Soldiers’ Charity ( formerly known as the Army Benevolent Fund, provides support to soldiers, retired soldiers and their families.

The Not Forgotten Association ( is able to give them some of the “extras” which most of us take for granted, something to look forward to – something to make life worth living. Those eligible are ex-service or serving men and women who have a War Pension or are in receipt of compensation from the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme or who are currently suffering from some form of ill-health. They ensure that they are not forgotten by providing “entertainment” which brings a little happiness and joy into their lives. Also see: & their links page.

Confederation of British Service & Ex-Service Organisations ( is a membership organisation of about 70 organisations and over 60 regimental associations. Also see: &

The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home ( to provide a multi-disciplinary approach for the care and rehabilitation of those with neurological and medical disabilities – predominantly for those who have served with HM Forces.

The Civil Service Benevolent Fund ( formed in 1886 they provide advice and information to those in need as well as financial assistance. Also see their: links page. is essentially a pressure group and exists to improve the conditions of War Widows and their dependants in Great Britain ans has a good page of useful links. exists for all fire service personnel during their times of need, and assists thousands of individuals every year, by providing pioneering treatment and support services. is a charity devoted to helping dependent children that have lost a parent whilst serving with the Armed Forces.

~~~ Specific Conditions ~~~

Blood Pressure Lowering Diet & Exercise More Effective ( a recent study suggests that combining a weight loss diet with exercise is more effective in reducing high blood pressure (hypertension).

Lower Back Pains (  lower back pains are not at all pleasant and for those who have experienced them they will know only to well that they can be debilitating and last for many hours or sometimes even months. This page provides some very useful physical exercises many of which were given to me by my physiotherapist in the early 1980’s when I suffered my first bout of unbearable and excruciating back pains.  Since then I have have suffered them intermittently for over thirty years and have found that gentle, targeted exercise is one one of the best ways of assisting recovery, comprising of short and slow walks along with simple, slow and back specific exercises as detailed on this site.  Do not try to do them all, just a few twice a day and get into a routine of slow, short distance walking and gentle stretching exercises on the floor.  Also only do the ones that do not aggravate the pain or that you find difficult to do, as there is no benefit from increasing the pain.  The objective is to loosen up and de-stress the tense muscles and/or tendons and stop the nerves sending out the pain messages, not to add further to the misery! ~ At this point, I must stress that if you have not seen your doctor concerning any back pains that you are experiencing, you must do so before thinking of using any exercise routines to overcome them. This is because there are certain back pains which can sometimes be the first signs of something far more serious, so get checked out first to make sure it is just purely a mechanical or muscular problem and not something that may be life threatening!  Once you have tried everything the doctor or specialist has advised and there is no improvement, then before going under a surgeon’s knife, try exercise, as it works very effectively for many people and is a surprisingly simple non-invasive aid to recovery.

Transcendendal Meditation Lowers Blood Pressure ( a randomised trial indicates that blood pressure is able to be lowered by meditation. Also note that a process known as Autogenic Therapy has similar effects, see further down this page for other links.

The University of Pennsylvania ( is a site dedicated to Cancer with quality information and links that are updated daily.

High Blood Pressure Linked to Cognitive Impairment ( highlights a recent study of 20,000 people, aged over 45 years, having high diastolic blood pressure were more likely to have cognitive impairment affecting things such as memory. Healthy adult blood pressure is classed as being below 140/90 mmHg.

The Stroke Association ( is the only UK wide charity solely concerned with combating stroke in people of all ages. It funds research into prevention, treatment and better methods of rehabilitation, and helps stroke patients and their families directly through its Life After Stroke Services. The must read areas of their site are: “Did-you-Know?” and “Preventing-a-Stroke” which will help identify those most at risk and what can be done to lessen the chances of being affected. High blood pressure and Diabetes are two conditions which can increase the risk of being affected.

Sleep Apnoea also known as OSA is a medical condition which causes potentially dangerous interruptions in breathing during sleep. One of the most successful ways to manage this health problem is by using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure breathing device widely known as a CPAP machine. Respironics (aka Philips) is a leading manufacturer of these devices which are routinely used by many NHS sleep centres in treating the condition. One of the main indicators for the presence of sleep apnoea is snoring, which the use of a CPAP machine will, more often than not, nullify! ~ There are a couple of alternatives to the use of a CPAP, these are surgery and a recently developed procedure known as Snoreplasty ( which uses a tissue hardening substance injected into the roof of the mouth which stops the soft palate from vibrating excessively, which is one of the main causes of sleep apnoea and snoring. For more details, visit the following sites:, (BSSAA),,

Swine-Flu ~ Timeline the Secret History of Swine-Flu ( is an excellent article charting the developement and effects of Swine-Flu. is a charity formed in 1969. Its aims are to fund research into this debilitating condition which will subsequently advance knowledge and treatment as well as offering help, advice and support to those either directly or indirectly affected by this progressive neurological condition affecting movements such as walking, talking, and writing. ~ AllergyUK is the operational name of the British Allergy Foundation; they are the leading national medical charity providing advice, information, and support to people with allergies, food intolerance, and chemical sensitivity. They act as the ‘voice’ of allergy sufferers, representing the views and needs of those affected by this multi organ disease.  They have a very informative website and a regular newsletter.  Very often people can have some mystery illness that turns out to be an allergy of some kind, so don’t forget to investigate this area if you have trouble identifying the cause of a health problem. is the site of the ‘Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FANN)’ which aims to raise public awareness, provide advocacy and education, and to advance research on behalf of all those affected by food allergies and anaphylaxis. ~ Although Coeliac Disease is not strictly an allergy, their site has useful information on associated issues such as wheat allergy.

Coeliac Disease or Celiac Disease which is an intolerance to Gluten, has a dedicated page of its own at: this is the Irish haemochromatosis web-site which explains the condition caused by the body absorbing too much Iron. It is a genetic disorder that is very prevalent in Irish and Celtic people and can lead to serious ill-health or even death.  Testing is recommended for those in high risk groups, in a similar way to Coeliac Disease.

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition where the blood glucose levels are too high which is potentially damaging to various body organs & parts. It has a dedicated page at:  Also see: Guide to Diabetes. ~ For Insulin Pumps see: was established in 1971 with the help and support of the British Society of Gastroenterologists and today it supports Clinical Research Fellows and Research Scientists at hospitals and universities throughout the UK, investigating disorders, diseases and conditions affecting the  entire range of gut, liver, intestinal and bowel illnesses.  Coeliac Disease is just one of the many conditions which falls within this area so they have some useful information about CD & many others.

Headroom ( is the BBC’s dedicated site dealing with mental health & mental illness issues. It provides a superb page of useful links, titled as ‘Getting Help’. Top Stuff!

Human-Papilloma-Virus (HPV) can be nasty! It is one of the ivarious strains of papovavirus that cause warts, especially of the hands, feet, and genitals, with some strains believed to be a causative factor in cancer of the cervix, vagina, and vulva. It has also been linked strongly to various mouth and throat cancers that can be transmitted through oral sex. See: HPV-Positive-Oropharyngeal-Cancer. Also see: Cancer & (Health).

Syndrome-x ( is a set of signs and symptoms associated with the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Also see: Metabolic Syndrome. is the national charity for those suffering with Macular Disease or Degeneration, providing information and guidance about this condition which can lead to blindness.

~~~ Insects That Bite! ~~~ is a fascinating site all about spiders! Now, I have never liked spiders, along with millions of others I suspect, but this site only reinforces my anti-spider stance and actually supports what I have always known, they all bite! And, believe me it hurts! I should know I was bitten as a child and have never forgotten it! The site has some useful information on how to deal with their bites.

~~~ Complementary & Alternative Treatments ~~~

Alternative Medicine ( provides a good explanation along with useful links.

Autogenics Autogenic Therapy is a powerful and comprehensive therapeutic system encompassing both mind and body. Autogenic Training teaches skills enabling clients to utilise their own capacity for self-healing and self-development. See:, &  ~ Also see:

Ayuveda  (Ayurvedic Medicine) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. It originated in India and has evolved there over thousands of years. Also see: & (ayurveda) & (energy) has some excellent reference information about ‘Energy Medicine’ &  ‘Hands-On Healing of the Human Energy Field’ written by Janelle Durham. A very good place to start if you are new to the many forms of ‘Energy Healing’. (uk-therapists) provides a list of UK complementary health practitioners from Acupuncture to Yoga.

WebHealth ( aim to help you by providing a gateway to complementary health on the Internet. There is a comprehensive list of self-help groups as well as details of all the main professional and regulatory bodies within the complementary health world. This is a commercial site but has some useful information. Also see:

Alternative Medicine ( definition: “a variety of therapeutic or preventive health care practices, such as homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, and herbal medicine, that do not follow generally accepted medical methods and may not have a scientific explanation for their effectiveness.” This will explain all about what is really ‘Ancient Medicine’ most of which are nowadays termed as ‘Alternative’.

Spiritual Healing ( one way to explain Spirit is ‘that which exist beyond any physical realm.’ Other names for Spirit are Life-force, Soul, Awareness, or Beingness. Spiritual Healing is the letting go that which we are not and the waking up to our full potential. This site has many interesting articles & links.

Complementary Treatments ( by Professor Edzard Ernst, Department of Complementary Medicine, University of Exeter. Also see: is an international network of people who are concerned about health-related frauds, myths, fads, fallacies, and misconduct. Its primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere. Learn more at their Mission Statement page. was established in 1998 as an on-line Health Directory, bringing you a central source of health related information covering many aspects of conventional to alternative and complementary therapy/medicine. Also provides up to date news within all disciplines from all parts of the Globe. Top Stuff!

The Healing Trust ( founded in 1954, is the largest and oldest membership organisation of Spiritual Healers in the UK. Spiritual Healing is deemed a natural energy therapy treating the whole person, mind, body and spirit. Globally, many people have had varying degrees of positive results, some of which have been significant, using these methods but no one understands how or why they work! Also see: (Healing). is run by The Aetherius Society and The InnerPotential Centre which teaches healing, it is based in Fulham London, see their site index for more details. The Atherius Society is a worldwide spiritual organization composed of people dedicated to help heal and uplift humanity through spiritual action. Founded in 1955 by the late Dr George King in order to bring a state of balance back to humanity. the UK’s largest Alternative Medicine, Complementary Therapy and Natural Health Care Resource. In the Library, you will find all of our services are FREE! This includes access to Medical Research where we provide access to the medical databases where you can find out about ANYTHING that has been published in medical journals all over the world. is a not for profit association for people who have learned Reiki. The Association was founded in 1991 (as the Association of European Reiki Practitioners). There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive or learn to give a Reiki treatment, the only prerequisite is the desire to be healed. Also see: which is a similar organisation. Also see: TRT ( has some useful links. is a directory and the UK’s only comprehensive natural lifestyle resource, bringing you the very best in forward thinking news, views and products for a natural lifestyle and keep you up to date with the natural lifestyle media coverage that matters. is about natural healing, the energy within all of us! this site is good for learning about “Reiki” which is a Japanese word meaning “universal life force energy”. There are lessons and other useful information about this covert power that can be tapped into for healing purposes. If you are using Linux you can install Miro ( and watch their excellent on-line videos. Also see: &

Healing With Energy Through Hands ( spiritual healing sanctuary is dedicated to promoting health and wellbeing through spiritual healing services and ensuring professional standards of healer training and practice. is the site of Carrol Everett who has stood up to an actual scientific test of her capabilities to heal using the laying of hands onto those who are unwell. The test was carried out during 1994, at the Tokyo Denki University where, under laboratory conditions, she successfully diagnosed and altered a patient’s medical condition (a tumour). This was measured and recorded using various scientific equipment under the supervision of one of the University’s professors. He was assisted by a team of scientific personnel who independently witnessed the effects of her healing whilst actually operating their equipment. Amazing Stuff!

Lorraine Ham is a Psychic Healer that was featured on the UK documentary TV series ‘Strange But True?‘ on the 11th November 1994, where she displayed her abilities to perform healing without touch and had an 80% success rate. Her grandfather was a New Zealand Maori Chief and she believes her psychic powers were passed down from him. She performed the healing for the locals of Otley, West Yorkshire via a local NHS doctor’s surgery as well as privately. ~ Thus far, I have been unable to trace any information about her? has a range of links and information as well as a find a healer directory of complementary practitioners. is based in Colchester, Essex. They offer a range of  complementary medicine from Acupressure to Nutritional Therapy and lots more in between including HealingRahanni & Reiki.  See: Therapies for their full list. is a not-for-profit venture helping promote spiritual services and knowledge. Their aim is to give various types of information of where to go for spiritual support and guidance under one site. helps you search for anything to do with holistic health and wellbeing, alternative therapies, spiritual exploration and environmental betterment. They have a very useful A-Z directory of practitioners. provides useful information on a wide range of health & beauty issues. Use their searchable directory to find out more or select a treatment from their A-Z Guide e.g. Healing. this shop based in Gloucester that sells all manner of unusual things including various books that you would find difficult to find elsewhere! Some of it is archaic in origine such as Tarrot Cards and Healing Crystals whilst other stuff is just plain unusual or interesting!

The School of Energy Healing ( was created to train healers to an excellent standard and to make energy healing widely available to the public.  Founded in 1999, the school is a non-profit organisation. They offer Energy Healing training from basic to professional level and their courses are open to those with no previous healing experience, as well as those already working in the healing or caring professions. The training works on all levels of the Human Energy Field, combining in-depth body-mind healing with profound spiritual awakening. They’re based in Surrey, England. (techniques) has some interesting stuff! Read their about page and download a PDF explaining about their professional membership. It’s based in Australia. has a good page of useful links. (Energy Healing) as usual About has a super page on Energy Healing with some good links.

Bio-Energy Healing  ( this is a commercial site but has some interesting stuff! is full of links and articles related to wholistic & complementary medicine.

Nutritional Therapy ( is a specialist site run by a lady who managed to overcome her illnesses through a change in life style and then took professional qualifications. She now helps others with her nutritional knowledge. Also see: Free Stuff Articles. is about the the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. That includes high quality foods and/or supplements, in other words essential nutrients! is the world’s largest health homesteading site, is is all about doing what’s right for your body which includes feeding it with the correct nutrients! It’s sometimes controversial, but it does make sense to put the correct fuel in the tank! Also see: is an independent information site which incorporates as many different approaches to allergy and intolerance issues as it can, I think the term is wholistic! Also, it is not afraid of presenting potentially controversial views and articles which may be excluded from conventional methods, even though they work well!

~~~ Natural, Foods & Herbal Remedies ~~~

Tea Tree ~ tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) is a multi-purpose herb that traces its roots to the Aboriginal people of Australia. For thousands of years, they used the leaves as an antiseptic and antifungal by crushing the leaves and making a mudpack. For its many applications see: & &  &

Evening Primrose “once touted as “the King’s Cure-all”, evening primrose oil has been praised for centuries for its healing powers in a wide range of ailments. The secret of the evening primrose is in the seed, which contains the essential fatty acid GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid). Most of the health benefits of evening primrose oil come from this powerful substance.” Also see: & & &

Garlic “has long been credited with providing and prolonging physical strength and was fed to Egyptian slaves building the giant pyramids. Throughout the centuries, its medicinal claims have included cures for toothaches, consumption, open wounds and evil demons.” Also see: &

St. John’s Wort “has been known for its medicinal properties as far back as Roman times. On the battlefield, it was a valued remedy that promoted healing from trauma and inflammation. The herb is regarded as a vulnerary, and can speed the healing of wounds, bruises, ulcers, and burns. It is also popularly used as a nervine for its calming effect, easing tension and anxiety, relieving mild depression, and soothing women’s mood swings during menopause.” Also see: &

Senna ( is used as a laxative and has been clinically proven to be effective in managing constipation. Also see: Senna (

Coffee Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer ( research by the Harvard School of Public Health has found that drinking coffee on a regular basis can reduce the risk of men getting prostate cancer. is extracted from the hemp seed and has a variety of applications including manufacturer of biodegradable plastics, construction, textiles, bio-fuels, health foods and some are medicinal. It has been linked with curing certain cancers and its usage dates back to the stone-age period. It can be purchased in most health food stores and contain essential fatty acids, omega 3 & 6 oils and amino acids as well as other essential minerals. See: (hemp-oil) & (hemp-profile) &  Good Oil,, is made from cold pressed Hemp Seed. ~ Hemp-oil is classed as a super-food as it’s the most balanced of all the edible oils due to its wide range of essential fats & minerals. Hemp oil is the only food oil that contains not only omega3 & omega6, but also GLA. See: (hemp-oil). has a variety of natural health remedies including a good page about Hemp. The site is committed to sharing the hidden history of plant life that can be instrumental in supporting cancer victims.

Comfrey ( is a native British herb with healing properties and many others uses besides, such as a natural fertilizer for the gardener or allotment keeper. See: & Also note that there have been concerns over some of its toxic effects and some do not recommend it for internal use.

CoQ10 Antioxidant ( is a super antioxidant having several health benefits, probably the most well known one being its positive effects on the skin in relation to anti-ageing.

20 Health Benefits of Turmeric ( it seems that this well known spice & curry ingredient is a bit of a star when it come to natural health. I think it should be in everyone’s first aid kit and medicine chest!

~~~ Mouth, Gum & Teeth Problems ~~~

The British Dental Health Foundation ( is an independent charity that is dedicated to improving the oral health of the public by providing free and impartial information.

Derived Regenerative Cells May Reverse Periodontal Disease ( the results of a recent study, suggest that the use of ADRCs may reverse the effects of periodontal disease, evidenced by significantly improved alveolar bone healing and decreased gingival (gum) invasion of the defect. Useful & interesting! (HeavyMetalToxicity) explains how the presence of excessive amounts of toxic metals in the body contributes to health problems. The mercury amalgam fillings paragraph is interesting! Also

British Society for Mercury Free Dentistry ( is for those seeking assistance with Biocompatible Dental Materials and Treatment, as well as names of Dental Practitioners able to provide these.

Mercury-Amalgam Fillings ( this is an informative article by a Luton based dentist about amalgam fillings.

Marina Carew ~ Lavender Barn Holistic Dental & Beauty Spa is based at Takeley in Essex. They offer a variety of complementary therapies as well as an excellent dental practice and are not OTT with their prices! They offer good value & high quality treatment for those who want to avoid amalgam fillings or get them removed. ~ I have now had several treatments by Marina over the last couple of years and she is excellent.  I would highly recommend her she is not only a nice person but very good at her job as well, she is: Top Stuff!  ~  See Marina speak about amalgam fillings at: Tel: 01279 870077.

Mercury Free Dentists in Britain & Ireland is a list of mercury free dentists produced by Anni Dixon who has personally struggled with a degenerative illness and allergies. The site is an information resources to help others find health solutions using foods, herbs, alternative & natural methods. is a Grantham based practice covering a wide range of dental services and has a good links page. They have a very reasonable range of fees as well.

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology ( in 1984, thirteen dentists were discussing a seminar they had just attended on the dangers of mercury from dental amalgam fillings. Over the years, the Academy and its members have chronicled and promoted the research that has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that dental amalgam is a source of significant mercury exposure, and a hazard to health. Watch their video and see for yourself! Their home page is at: Top Stuff! is a public knowledge base for those in need of information about this very painful condition. It is not commercial site.

Diabetes & Gum Problems Diabetes is not the first thing dentists think of when they encounter gum problems, but it can be the cause of receding, irritated and/or bleeding gums as I have found out first hand! None of the various dentists that I consulted even mentioned Diabetes to me let alone its association with receding gums & disease! So, it should be seriously considered if gum problems persist having eliminated all else!

Gum Disease ( is a brief guide to signs of diseased gums.

Bleeding Gums ( this is a very interesting article with some useful references. It covers many aspects of bleeding gums and offers reasons why they bleed and related conditions, some of which are quite surprising! this site is owned and run by GlaxoSmithKline (gsk), therefore it has a commercial bias and naturally is advertising orientated.  The site mainly contains information about Corsodyl (chlorhexidine) mouthwash, but I have selected it because it also has some good information about gum disease. ~ Also see: Chlorhexidine (

Xerostomia is the term used for an abnormal dryness of the mouth. There are a variety of reasons for this condition and some of the best explanations I have come across are:,,,,

The British Dental Association ( founded in 1880, it is the professional association and trade union for dentists in the United Kingdom. This is an interesting article about Mercury: ~ Also see their useful find a dentst site at:

The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry ( was formed in November 2003 by a group of dental professionals. Their aim is to create a dynamic, active group of members from all areas of the dental team, primarily dentists and laboratory technicians and to promote clinical excellence through continuing professional development. This is the place to find a cosmetic dentist:

The General Dental Council ( started in 1956, it is the official body that regulates dental professionals in the United Kingdom.  All dentists, dental nurses, dental technicians, clinical dental technicians, dental hygienists, dental therapists and orthodontic therapists must be registered with them to work in the UK.

Good Mouth, Gum & Teeth Remedies & Products:

Sodium Bicarbonate ~ I find this to be as good as any toothpaste if not even better! You can add coconut oil (which is meant to be a natural anti-septic) and peppermint oil (take care only a tiny drop, else it may burn!) to improve it, but I find it good on its own! Then use a little Euthymol after to freshen-up! ~ Apparently salt can also be used, but I prefer Bi-Carb because it’s an alkaline and leaves a pleasant feeling!

I have also used Tee Tree oil, which is very good and leaves a nice tingling sensation on the gums and mouth, but you absolutely must not swallow it, because it is toxic when taken internally! So, rinse well after use! ~ Also see: (tea tree oil for dental health). has some oral advice using natural products.

Euthymol is a good one if you want to avoid fluoride and have an anti-septic paste. Some people find the taste a little overpowering, but I love it! ~ Apparently it started life as paint stripper! (Joke, ha,ha!) ~ Good stuff!

Colgate Peroxyl contains 1.5% w/v Hydrogen Peroxide as active ingredients it is an antibacterial mouthwash which is good for minor gum  and mouth irritations and is very soothing with a pleasant taste. It has been recommended to me by several dentists as an alternative to Corsodyl to avoid tooth staining. It isn’t cheap, but it is very good and does not stain teeth!

Colgate Periogard contains 0.2% w/v Chlorhexidine Digluconate, the same active ingredients as used in Corsodyl. The difference between them really is the taste, so it is just a matter of which you prefer as both do a similar job.

Colgate Oxygen is a recent addition to their range and I must say it is one of the nicest toothpaste(s) I have used. It leaves the mouth feeling very fresh and with a cooling sensation that lasts much longer than many others I’ve tried.

Colgate 2in1 toothpaste & mouthwash is not a brilliant mouthwash but as a toothpaste is very good! It has very fine abrasive particles in it that remove stains from the teeth much better than a standard toothpaste, I have included it here for that reason alone. I would not use it every day as it is not cheap, but well worth using a two or three times a week along with their Oxygen product.

Corsodyl contains 0.2% w/v Chlorhexidine Digluconate. It is the original and most effective treatment for Gingivitus and other gum inflammations. Originally this was only available on prescription from a doctor or dentist. Over several years I have had this prescribed to me many times and have found it to be very effective when I get a bout of gum inflammation. It is now available over the counter at most chemists and even some supermarkets, it comes in two flavours and should not be used continuously for more than a week. It is very good, but the taste is a little strong and can stain the teeth.

Corsodyl Daily Defence contains 0.06% Chlorhexidine Digluconate as the active ingredient, which is a lot less the than standard Corsodyl has in it. that is probably the reason why this version can be used for longer periods. It is not cheap but is good.

Corsodyl Daily Gum & Tooth Paste was a new product for 2009, initially I found difficulty obtaining it, but it was worth the hunt as it’s a very good tooth paste which cleans really well and leaves a long-lasting and pleasant after taste. It is fairly expensive but because only a very small amount is required it lasts a relatively long time. Its bar code is: 50376452. Top Stuff!

Theramed Express White Whitening Mouthwash ( among other things, this contains 0.1% Hydrogen Peroxide and is very good for relieving minor gum irritation and bad tastes in the mouth. This is a new product and may not be readily available in all UK shops yet. It is a less powerful version of the Colgate Peroxyl and is less pricey as well, so I used them alternately to keep the mouth fresh and costs down! It is produced by Henkel Ltd, who are better known for their adhesives such as Loctite! ~ Theramed EWW Mouthwash ~

~~~ Diet, Dieting & Loosing Weight ~~~

I’m sure that most of us, at one time or another, have wanted, needed or have  been forced to take a close look at what and how we are eating in order lose weight or to improve our health in some way.

So, here are some useful links that could help with the “battle of the bulge” or aid you to keep focused on healthy eating!  Of course, we all need a treat periodically so the first one has to be about one of my all time favourite addictions which is chocolate!

It’s official, chocolate is good for you!  Various studies have shown a link between dark chocolate and certain health benefits, so providing the chocolate has greater than 70% Cocoa content, and you do not pig-out on the stuff, it would seem that you’re actually doing something good for your system! See: Health Benefits of Chocolate & (chocolate) ~  Since it’s classed as a fruit, I wonder if it would count as one of you five-a-day? ~ That’s probably asking too much!

To find out more about Diet, Dieting & Loosing weight without making your life a complete misery take a look at my page about the subject. ~ I started to write it up here but decided it was getting too bloated and gave it a dedicated page:

Please take a look if you want to achieve sensible weight-loss whilst still eating some of the things you like!  After all life should not be miserable when loosing those excess pounds, should it?

~~~ Important Stuff ~~~

Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC) ( if you require ongoing repeat prescriptions, within the UK, then getting a PPC will probably save you money.  Also see:

~~~ Interesting Conditions ~~~

Sjogrens Syndrome ( Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells attack and destroy the glands that produce tears and saliva. Sjögren’s syndrome is also associated with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. this site specialises in treating OCD (Obsessive/Compulsive) and related conditions. has a test for hypochondria.

~~~ News & Miscellaneous ~~~

2000 Year Old Greek Shipwreck Reveals Medical Secrets of the Ancient World ( yes, tablets containing plant based remedies have been uncovered that were being used by humans two thousand years ago!

NHS Premium Rate Calls Banned ( and about time too! The robbing b*st**ds!

British National Formulary ( has a page of excellent high quality links to sites that predominantly deal with or are associated in some way with the NHS and Government. founded in 1823, is one of the world’s leading medical journals. As well as being independent and an authoritative voice in global medicine, it aims to entertain, instruct, and reform. Only extracts from articles are free.

The Journal of the American Medical Association ~ JAMA ( has been published continuously since 1883, is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal published 48 times per year. JAMA is the most widely circulated medical journal in the world. The online version is made freely available to institutions in developing countries. Only extracts from articles are free!

The British Medical Journal ( established in 1840, The BMJ (British Medical Journal) is an international peer reviewed medical journal and a fully “online first” publication. Their publishing model—”continuous publication”— means that all articles appear on before being included in an issue of the print journal. The website is updated daily with the BMJ’s latest original research, education, news, and comment articles, as well as pod-casts, videos, and blogs. All the BMJ’s original research is published in full on, with open access and no limits on word counts. We do not charge authors or readers for research articles, nor for other articles arising from work funded by open access grants. Also see the BMJ-archive for past issues. All is Free! ~ Top, Top Stuff!

Want to Live Longer? See and Optician! ( this article shows why any eye concerns should be addressed ASAP and not left to fester! The eyes say a lot more than we think!

~~~ Reference ~~~

The University of Sheffield ScHARR Information Resources is a superb one stop shop of top quality links to the best health & medical resources on the Internet. The Sheffield site is part of the RDS for the East Midlands which in turn influences the NHS’s R&D information. It is part of the National Network of  Research & Development Support Units (RDSU) for health care research in England. will help you to find the best websites for study or research. Top Stuff!

The National Library of Medicicne ( is the World’s Largest Medical Library. They have a Medical Search facility called PubMed found at: Also see:

Health Information Resources ( is run by NICE, registration is required for this site but is worth it, because you will have FREE access to hundreds of journals, e-books and health care database including some of the worlds most comprehensive resources. It’s the NHS’s Health Library! Top Stuff!

National Electronic Library for Medicines (NeLM)( the largest medicines information portal for healthcare professionals in the UK National Health Service (NHS). It aims to promote the safe, effective and efficient use of medicines. This free service has been in operation since 1998 (originally as Druginfozone). Also see:UK Medidicnes Information ( is from The Cochrane Collaboration which provides independent and high quality evidence-based health care information for a wide variety of users. It comprises of six databases containing different types of information, see their about page for more detail. provides free, accurate and independent advice on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines & natural products. Top Stuff! is a not for profit UK organisation aiming to improve public health and safety by providing up to date, accurate and comprehensive information about medicines to healthcare professionals, medicine users, carers and the general public. They are funded by 160 pharmaceutical companies. DataPharm are responsible for the Electronic Medicines Compendium ( where you can access information about the many drugs that are being used by the medical professions within the UK. They have a good search facility to find Medicine Guides which provides basic information in plain English.

Alternative Medicine Encyclopedia ( the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine (GEAM) is a one-stop source for alternative medical information that covers complementary therapies, herbs and remedies, and common medical diseases and conditions. is the UK’s largest Alternative Medicine, Complementary Therapy and Natural Health Care Resource. In the Library, you will find all of the services are FREE! This includes access to Medical Research providing access to the medical databases where you can find out about ANYTHING that has been published in medical journals all over the world.

Alternative Medicine Encyclopedia ( the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine (GEAM) is a one-stop source for alternative medical information that covers complementary therapies, herbs and remedies, and common medical diseases and conditions. has the World’s largest on-line database of pharmaceutical and Medical Abbreviations – over 230,000 and growing. Their database is updated daily to include new acronyms and abbreviations and their meanings (Dictionary). This resource is free to use, allowing people to instantly look up meanings for acronyms and abbreviations from the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biotechnology, agrichemicals, health-care ~ also has a Medical News service, Drug Search and more. It’s independently owned by  MediLexicon International Ltd. Top Site! is an on-line Drug Encyclopedia providing detailed information on prescription and medications including description, image drug, use, dosage, storage, precautions, and side effects. Top Stuff!

~~~ TBD ~~~ &

~~~~~ That’s all for now! ~~~~~



Updated: 07 September 2015

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